Teknokrat was host the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption of the Republic of Indonesia and FRPKB.

Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commissioner-general Firli Bahuri signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Forum for Strengthening National Character in Higher Education at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Monday (25/4).

The activity was attended by the Chair of the Indonesian KPK, Firli Bahuri as a resource person, the chairman of the FRPKB Prof.Dr. Karomani MS.i, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Rector Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf SE.MBA, UIN Rector Prof.Wan Jamaluddin, Universitas Malahayati Rector Dr Ahmad Farizh, Polytechnic Director Dr Sarono, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Vice Rector Dr Mahatir Muhammad, deans and students.

The event itself started with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Chair of the Indonesian KPK and the Chairperson of the FRPKB Prof Dr. Karomani MS.i, followed by the signing of the MoU of the University of Lampung (Unila) with Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and signed by the Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. HM Nasrullah Yusuf SE.MBA in front of guests.

In his speech, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Rector Dr HM Nasrullah Yusuf SE.MBA said he was grateful for the arrival of the KPK chairman who gave a public lecture to become students with integrity and useful for the nation and state.

“We also need to convey that the BEM of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Students carries out social services, 60 orphanages have been assisted by the University BEM, and 1,500 food packages to the Mayor of Bandar Lampung and the Head of the Lampung Police,” he said.

Chairman of the Rector’s Forum for Strengthening National Character (FRPKB) Prof.Dr. Karomani M.Si in his speech said that currently the Indonesian people still have a big homework to do in eradicating corruption. Based on data from Transparency International, Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is currently ranked 96 out of 180 countries with a score of 38, which is still far below the global average GPA of 43.

Of course, it would be unwise to impose this problem solely on the KPK, because corruption is a national matter.

“There must be a national movement to prevent and eradicate it, including from campus circles through anti-corruption education, anti-corruption campaigns, seminars, and other forms,” said the Universitas Lampung Rector.

The KPK’s policy as outlined in the National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption (Stranas PK) has three objectives which are in line with the objectives of the establishment of the FRPKB.

The focus of the FRPKB work program is to strengthen the nation’s character which is grown and developed in the campus world.

“So this collaboration is very strategic because most government employees, institutions, and other stakeholders are alumni of the campus world. Thus, inculcating character on the importance of avoiding corruption for future generations of the nation’s children is strategic,” he said.

With the MoU between FRPKB and KPK, Prof. Karomani hopes that the intensity of socialization and anti-corruption education can be further increased and can be carried out together, especially at FRPKB member campuses and the Indonesian Corruption Perception Index (GPA).

“We hope that after the MoU is made it can be immediately followed up with cooperation agreements for universities in the FRPKB environment, which amount to 48 universities, hopefully, this month of fasting can be blessed with this so that this nation will become a nation that will truly disappear if corruption is completely lost. It is impossible until the apocalypse, at least we are getting better every year and this country has become a baldatun toyyibatun warobbun Ghofur country,” he explained.

While in his general lecture, Firli Bahuri revealed several things including the application of the MoU in the world of education, implementation of a corruption prevention wall starting from the campus and its residents, as well an appreciation of the actions of students who care for others.

“colleagues and fellow students who have made efforts to pay a little attention to social action activities, even though the Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia gave a small amount of assistance, I don’t see the amount because there is a philosophy of life when we want to share, there is The first two capital things are love with love,” he said.

He said, in terms of eradicating corruption, it is not enough to arrest him, but at least two important things must be done.

First, prevention by way of system repair. Second, using public education so that people do not want to commit corruption. According to him, these two methods are more fundamental, so currently the KPK is promoting the Trident of Corruption Eradication, one of which is public education.

Eradication of corruption with a public education strategy is important because it is the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, which is to educate the nation’s life and he believes that nothing can change the world, and advance the country, except through education.

“Eradication of corruption also requires an orchestration by creating a system of national integrity, One message One message for students, your future depends on what you do today, look to your future and do it for the future, we were not born to live, but live to prepare for the future,” he said.

Meanwhile, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Vice Dean Dr. Mahatir Muhammad also expressed his gratitude to the Chair of the Indonesian KPK.

“Thanks also to FRPKB for trusting us to hold this public lecture and hope that in the future we can build the character of students who have integrity and also make students the nation’s successors where we see their profiles, with that, we hope that students are inspired to motivate them later to want to become this figure,” he concluded.

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